Macro Photography Tips For Beginners | Micro Photos

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  1. fuyuhasamuizofuyumis


  2. Praveen Venugopal

    Visit My Page On Face Book Praveen Venugopal Photography To Know How To Shoot Macros Without a Macro Lens..:)

  3. 【】現金が足りなくて困ってらっしゃる方… お譲りします。真剣にお受け取りになってくれる方はお譲りします。【】こちらから、最短30分程でお受け取りする事が可能となっております。みなさまのお力になれれば… と、思っております。

  4. What about the Raynox DCR 150 macro converter lens?

  5. tatamagetayoneuuuiee

    お金でお困りの方いらっしゃいませんか?いきなりの書き込み失礼致します。どなたかお金にお困りの方に現金5,000,000円をお譲りしたいと思っております。お困りの方のお力に少しでもなれればと思っております…。どなたか受け取ってはくれませんか?こちらから【 http:// 】か又は、youtube内動画検索にて『 よふさ 』で検索して頂きますと、受取人様の準備がととのい次第、最短で30分程でお受け取りできます。どなた様でも構いません。ですが、書き込みが消えてしまう恐れがありますので、お早めのご連絡お待ちしております…

  6. focus*

  7. Hi. I have a Nikon Coolpix S2600. I am not that impressed by its macro mode. I had my Sony DSC W50 and its Macro was was very good! The Nikon’s auto foucs doesn’t work properly and does not shoot good macro photos as compared to my Sony. Does this seem to be a mechanical fault or user fault? Tips please. Thankyou. 🙂

  8. You can shoot at 1/40 with a flash. Its the flash that freezes the motion.

  9. ljubomirkoteski1

    Hey, do you know “PhotoSFXart” (search on Google for it)? On their website you will find a good free video demonstrating the way to take impressive photos. This helped Joe to take photographs that leave you with a wow-effect after you look at them. It may work for you too…

  10. Verry usefull video,

  11. very good! Tell you a Good News!
    Green Screen Contest ( Open / World wide July 12, 2012)
    w w

  12. TheOn3LeftBehind

    Yeah, that’s true.  I’ve always had sharp photos, though.

  13. close up filters are terrible. Extension tubes are so much better because they not degrade image quality. Stacking is only useful when you have a still subject. Not so easy trying to do it for bug shots.

  14. Very nice i had made some macro photos too, you can see them on my facebook page. 212550919910013/ɯoɔuɐɔɹǝqnpɐɹ-ʎɥdɐɹƃoʇoɥd-uɐɔɹǝq-npɐɹ/sǝƃɐd/ɯoɔ˙ʞooqǝɔɐɟ˙ʍʍʍ//:sdʇʇɥ

  15. MichaelTheMentor

    Its the max sync speed of the Camera, not the flash (its a mechanical thing), and typically limited to 1/200, or 1/250 & yes it is a problem. The speed of the flash however is very, very quick. You might want to check out my Speedlite Crash Course DVD because it explains everything. One workaround is to use High Speed Sync, but this will have to be on the camera, or triggered as a slave. Thanks

  16. Well, if the max sync speed with the flash is 160th of a second it’s slightly a problem, don’t you think?
    Not only that the animal or bug might move and I might move so the image will be motion blurred, but also when I’m shooting protraits I can’t raise it up.
    Isn’t there another soloution?

  17. William Esposito

    Thank you Michael for the tips. An answer, how is it the right way to use the extension tubes? Could you explain with minors details? Thank you so much. Huges from Brazil

  18. MichaelTheMentor

    You are shooting faster than your max sync speed, typically 1/200. Try shooting at 1/160 and see what happens.

  19. Hi,
    It’s about the fifth time that I shoot macro with a flash on high power pretty close to the lens, and HALF of the frame is black. There is more then enough light, why is this happening?

  20. When is the good time for us to utilize the f/2.8 for macro photography? Any sample of macro photos taken at f/2.8?

  21. Thank you for such simple, basic, easy to understand info. I am BRAND NEW to this and this clip helps me to focus ( no pun intended). What is ISO?

  22. Im with you here buddy.
    Let them hate!!
    I get a few on my tutorials, and stacks on my scooter vids!
    Gotta love em haha XD

    Nice work sir!!

  23. RaulSoaresG1452

    Please, watch mine too: /watch?v=sPcRE3eHhR0
    I´m sure you will like it!

  24. This is a guaranteed chance that dust will get into the DSLR lens but flipping the lens around works too :D, I think they sell these types of extension tubes.

  25. Its because ur in camera metering is not adjusting to your low light situation. If you have a camera with TTL metering system, it will adjust automatically and u wont notice any difference. One thing you can do is increase your exposure compensation 2-3 notch up. and as michael said, use a good light source :). increasing ISO is not a good idea as u might end up with high noise