Posing your model for maternity photography

Movie Score: 4 / five

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  1. Your voice it’s like Poo’s dad from Kung fu panda!

  2. Thank you so much! First maternity shoot today! Wish me luck!

  3. Roland Helerand

    MAN, you have the best tips in youtube so far 🙂

  4. christendominique

    ur so informative i always love your videos!!

  5. This guy was great in Inglorious Basterds.

  6. Great tips, Michael could of done with this the other day as i did my first maternity shoot

  7. Feminine is the word you use…. Cheers.

  8. Great tips, Michael. Your videos and tips are always simple, informative and fun!

  9. When I hear his voice I cannot help but think of Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds.

  10. I am very surprised you don’t get more views, your videos are great!

  11. Great video! Thank you for the maternity videos recently, my wife is pregnant and getting to the “showing” stage, can’t wait to try some of these techniques out!

  12. Spammer!

  13. iPhoneiPadReview

    Awesome video as always! Keep up the great work 🙂 Please check out my camera store “ProShopTime”

  14. Great video as always Thanks

  15. FreePhotographyTips

    Wow, that was fast! Thank you for tuning in!

  16. Another informative video. Thankyou Michael.